Friday, July 6, 2012

Commander Yilma in Ethiopia

Commander Yilma spent 16 years in the bush fighting against the Haile Selassi Government 
in Ethiopia.  He was trained militarily in Israel so he trained all of the leaders in the bush 
for those years.Now that the war has ended, the new Government are all his friends so 
we were attempting to enlist his aid to make contacts to influential people for the church.  
He was very proud of his garden so we took a trip to Debra Zeit to see it.

This is the extent of his tools to work in the garden except for two shovels against the wall.
I guess tools are very hard to come by in Ethiopia.  Elder and Sister Campbell from Hurricane, Utah,
are missionaries for LDS Charities.

This is his sister making coffee for us. Coffee is a big deal and it's a ceremony that they do 
everyday.  President Habtu (the District President for the Church) told us to tell them that in 
our church we fast from drinking coffee and alcohol.  They have a strong understanding 
of fasting so that makes sense to them and they are not offended when we don't want to 
join in the coffee tradition.
The beans are roasted on a special burner over open coals, ground and then brewed in a 
clay pot with a rounded bottom.  The coffee is served in a small porcelain cup with no handle.  
They also spread dry grass and flowers on the gound and everyone sits in a circle on small stools.

Commander Yilma was called by a member of the District Presidency (Dredje) because 
an Elder Missionary had been in a car accident and was in jail.  Their procedure is to jail 
both drivers overnight and then sort out the problem the next day or so.  Commander Yilma 
has been the Commander of the Oromia Police for many years so he was able to have 
the Elder released immediately.  He's a great friend for the small branch there in Debra Zeit.

His little grandson.  He became my best buddy because he wanted my camera.  


  1. You two look great ... so happy!!

  2. ok. that is the sweetest happiest picture of you two I've ever seen. what a cutie cutie cutie!
