Saturday, July 7, 2012


Our first day in Ethiopia.  Our assignment was to go and "make friends."  So first of all 
we had to find someone to make friends with.  We decided to find the Office of 
Foreign Affairs.It was raining like crazy and our driver had no clue where the office 
was but after much persistence (you all know. . .persistence overcomes resistance) 
we wandered down this forlorn passageway to find the Office of Foreign Affairs.

Then, around the corner, through the secret door and ta-da. . . we found it.  Then we 
made our first friend with the Consulate General of Foreign Affairs.  We then went 
to the Embassy from Swaziland and made a second friend.  We are on our way.

The Branch President is David Snyder and he works for the Department of Justice
 for the US Embassy and is the FBI Director for Ethiopia.  

There are 4 branches of the church in Ethiopia.  At church on Sunday, President Synder's 
daughter gave a great talk.  She would say one sentence and then wait for it to be translated 
into Amharic.  We decided that's not a bad thing because you had time to think about each 
statement that she made. The Snyders are living in Addis Ababa for 3 years with their 5 
children.  After that he is going to Afghanistan and the surrounding countries.  The 
missionaries are baptizing every week so the church is growing.

Look at this beautiful chapel being built in Debra Zeit.  It really resembles a temple 
from the outside.

1 comment:

  1. what a fantastic building. i love the great missionary picture of dad walking down the lost alley. you need to frame that one, esp. in his missionary uniform (white shirt blue suit, book in hand.)
