Monday, February 27, 2012

A Miracle in Namibia

Sister Whomba Nashiwaya is the Public Affairs Director of Namibia (in the middle).
We met with Reverend Nakamhela of the Anglican Church and with Father Mosemedi
of the Catholic Church to discuss a Helping Hands Event and a Multi-Cultural Christmas
Choir Event.  The Reverend suggested a wonderful event to work together at the city cemetery and the
Catholic Sister Brenedict got very excited about the Choir idea.  Trying to work with the other churches
is very important in Namibia, and Whomba made great progress.

The Miracle of Namibia was Sister Shikongo.  The visas for the missionaries are going
to be denied as of this month.  President and Sister Ladel (of the Mission Presidency),
ourselves, and others were trying everything to influence the powers that be to stamp their
visas and get them back in.  The night before we were to leave, Sister Shikongo arrived from
Sweden.  She came to Windhoek (the capital city) to have surgery on her hip.  In the 1990's,
she was exiled from Namibia because of her political affiliations.  She went to Sweden, destitute and
alone, and the members encircled her with love and support.  When she came to Namibia and heard of the missionary problems, she was incensed.  Since the party (SWAPO) who she was and is a member of is now in power in Namibia, she determined to set things straight for the missionary visa problem.
She went the next day to the President of the Country.  It's a long story and it's still continuing, but she
has made a huge dent in the situation.  And we know the fasting and prayers of all the members in the 2 branches brought this miracle to pass.  It is evidence once again that we go forth in faith and do all that we can to solve our problems, and then the Lord will step in and miracles happen.
problems, and then the Lord will step in and finish the things that we are not able to accomplish. 

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful, you guys are doing such wonderful work. We love reading your blog and hearing from. You both look great. The Lord is always watching out for his children and willing to step in and help if we will do our part. Thank you for sharing > it is always a good reminder.
