Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Lady Golfers from Zimbabwe

Cecilie Lundgreen, a native of Norway, became a professional golfer in 1998.  To her credit, she
has the reputation for hitting the longest ball for any woman.  In addition to her professional golf career,
she runs the Norwegian chapter of Eyes for Zimbabwe.  "There I was, in the rural areas of Zimbabwe watching young children being given such a great gift as their eyesight. . .The excitement and emotions could be felt and touched.  My life has not been the same since."

The lady golfers ran a workshop for us and it was so much fun.  Of course Elder Roberts was a natural, and I actually had a great time as well.  Maybe that could be a pastime for us when we get home

Laurette Maritz (Lolly) is South Africa's top lady golfer.  She has a quiet dignity
that comes from knowing who she is, not who the world says she is.  She has the distinction of
sinking 11 holes in one while on the golfing tour!  She has been very involved with
"Eyes for Zimbabwe."  She reminded me so much of Aunt Laura.  She even kind of looks like her.

Reeve Nield is a current coach the Ladies European Tour specifically for Laurette Maritz and Cecilie (Cece) Lundgreen.  She and her family have served for years the people of Zimbabwe with "The Eyes of Zimbabwe" Program.  Thoba works with us in Public Affairs and this is her granddaughter, Mazzy.


  1. Not a bad mission if you're playing golf!!! :)

  2. Tough mission you guys have :) keep up the good work.
