Monday, October 22, 2012

Etosha and the LIons!

Look what came walking down the street, right past our car.

Grandpa and I had a bit of a disagreement--imagine that-- because
he wanted the window down so I could get a better picture.
Seriously, this fellow walked right past our car window.  By the
way the window was up--he was on my side for crying out loud.

We followed him across the prairie as he seemed to have a
destination in mind.

See the determined look on his face.  He has a definite plan.

Sure enough.  He led us right to his lair and his ladies.  There
were four females around this water hole waiting for him.

He stayed off site but in sight as he seemed to be
supervising his territory.

1 comment:

  1. This is Travis's favorite. He keeps asking me to go back and look at Simba...(from the Lion King)
