Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our adventure to the Etosha Animal Park in Namibia

We had a free Saturday so we drove to the North of Namibia and experienced a
wonderful animal park.  It is very dry in September so the only water available for
the animals is at the water holes.  You can sit nearby and watch the animals
interact, especially in the late afternoon and early evening.

We both love watching the animals and can do it for hours.

Our first sighting was a herd of Wildebeest that crossed the road in front of us.

The Eland--I love the antlers!  An eland can weigh up to one ton.

 Next we saw a herd of giraffe to the left of our car.  They are so graceful and majestic.
The ostrich were plentiful. 

These are DLA's (Dear-Like Animals.)  I believe these are called Impala.  

#1.  The Water-hole Escapade of Mutt and Turmoil

Now we are at the water-hole for the evening.  There seems to be a pecking order--when certain
animals are there, then others won't come around.  The first to arrive was the big elephant and
then the zebra came.  The come single file in a line across the prairie.  

Then the giraffe finally got brave and approached.  They are so timid and skiddish.  If there is
any kind of a disturbance whatsoever, they take off.

One lonely, little Rhino came on the scene next.  He's only one--he's enjoying his own
reflection--what a lucky shot.
Then it's like the gate is opened and everyone begins to come.  Everyone is doing just great
and then Mutt and Turmoil, the two local Jackals, appear on the scene.

You can tell immediately that they are looking for mischief.  They're like two little kids that
just cannot let the baby sleep or play peacefully.  They like to instigate some trouble.

Sure enough.  Suddenly with a burst of energy they take our after the little impalas and it was
like someone had appeared our of nowhere with an eraser.  So quickly was the water-hole emptied.

Not a soul was around.

It was like Mutt and Turmoil looked around and said, "Hey, where did everybody go?  We
just wanted to be your friend.  Ha Ha."
Then in no time at all, everyone came back and the party resumed.

#2.  The Eternal Triangle Rears its Ugly Head
The battle line has been drawn and these two males are ready to go at it.

And let the games begin.

Things are getting pretty intense and then suddenly it is over.  The dominate fellow calmly
walks away and takes his place in the water-hole with his lady friend.  

It seemed like the one that lost out is looking around to see if anyone saw his humiliation.

Then he just stands there, forlornly looking at his lost opportunity.  Life can be tough even in the
animal kingdom.

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